Little Kingdom

By icemaiden


When hubby eventually surfaced from his bed, we went to try out a new swimming pool (well, new to us as we hadn't been before) - Hamilton Water Palace. H was super excited about going swimming and couldn't wait to go, which was great as she doesn't seem to get too excited about most things! She was very brave and went down the little chute into the leisure pool a few times, even though it meant getting water in her face which she hates. O was very tired but didn't complain at all, despite being a bit cold. When pressed, H said she preferred her usual pool, but hubby liked this one more.

Following swimming, we went to Equi's for some ice-cream - H had strawberry, I had raspberry pavlova and hubby had tablet flavour. Then we drove to the Forge market to see H's papa who was working there as a clown today. Unfortunately after being stuck in football traffic for ages, when we eventually arrived, we heard that he had gone home ill. H was enjoying running up and down the aisles and was delighted at discovering a few fairground rides in the middle. She was allowed on a couple of the rides, and chose the swings first - she seemed to enjoy them, but was nearly falling asleep when they came to a stop!

To round off a nice family rainy day, we had Domino's pizza for dinner.

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