The Other Side of the Coin...
When I saw this blip this morning I knew what I would blip today. Although we live in two different countries and the laws are different the general driving principal is the same. I want to be clear though I agree with that blip that there is no place for speeding truck in cities, town and villages, and I agree that they need to pay attention to stop signs/signals but with many more cars on the road the trucks more cars violate those rules then us.
In the United States....
Estimates of 41,000 to 45,000 traffic deaths occur every year within the U.S.. Walkers and bikers account for 15% of the total traffic deaths each year. Fewer than 9% of those deaths involve commercial vehicles. More than 80% of those accidents are the fault of the non-commercial driver. Of those death related accidents only 4% of trucks are fatigue related. Drinking related accounted for .06% of those accidents.
Commercial trucks are involved in 2.4% of all car accidents. Trucks are 3 times less likely to be in an accident than a regular motor vehicle. One person is injured or killed in a truck accident every 16 minutes.
More than 75% of truck driving accidents are due to the driver of the passenger vehicle. Only 16% of all truck driving accidents are due to the truck drivers fault.
Today on a 125 mile stretch of road I was passed 3 times in a no passing zone. All three times those vehicles crossed double yellow lines. One of the passes was in a construction zone where another vehicle had to take corrective action to prevent a collision. At least once per year I am nearly involved in a head on collision because of an illegal pass...
My truck is governed at 62 mph for safety and economic reasons. First over 90% of tires for semi trucks are only rated to 65 mph and yet many states allow us to run 80 mph. That has resulted in tire failure, injuries and loss of life. Second because on many roads I am going slower than the speed limit there is an incentive to be passed. Third in many states there is a split speed limit. In California cars can do 70 mph while trucks are regulated to 55 mph. This creates all kinds of cars weaving in and out, road ,rage, near misses and.... Fourth....
Mono Monday, what annoys you... For me that is ALL DRIVERS that only think of themselves first no matter what the consequences are.
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