Happy Fathers' Day

It seemed wrong to make OilMan got to the store today (even though he's not my father) so I got my skates on and went early so I could be back by this time Tim and Joni and the kids arrived. It was a whole new experience to see parking spaces right in front of the store, no traffic jams in the produce department and several butchers waiting around just to bring me my carne asada and chicken thighs for tacos.

On the way home I stopped at Baskin Robbins, once a chain with ice cream stores in every town. Dana worked in one of the two in Berkeley when she was in high school, I used to go regularly to one in Pasadena for a mint chip cone. One by one they all closed, sometimes replaced by stores with flavors like chocolate /bacon, or citrus/pepper/tomatos. We were surprised to see a lone survivor in the shopping center next to the Safeway just down the road. when we moved to Santa Rosa. The ice cream is still delicious, although I have switched to jamocha almond fudge as my favorite, and OilMan and I joke on the occasions when we go there for an ice-cream cone about the impossibility of  imagining  that one day we would be licking ice cream cones while gazing out on the Safeway parking lot. 

I went there today in hopes of finding a Father's Day themed ice cream cake that would appeal to the kids as well as the fathers.  (Although, since he considers it a Hallmark Holiday,  I do think I heard Tim muttering under his breath that it couldn't end soon enough….sort of like the two women I overheard before Mothers' Day saying , 'I hate breakfast in bed!). They did indeed have the perfect confection…a foaming beer mug cake. It was difficult fitting it in the freezer and was listing a bit by the time I took the picture, but it was a hit.

Less of a hit was the much anticipated Warrior final NBA (basketball) playoff game . It has been a tightly contested game all season long and came down to the wire in the last game. We moved our dining table into the television room so we could watch the game while we ate.(see extra). OilMan disappeared at regular intervals because it makes him 'too nervous' to watch. He should have stuck around…the Warriors lost in a heartbreakingly close game.

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