Life's Journey

By Gipsygirl

Buffed up and ready to shine

A tough call for photos today; so many wonderful moments.
Breakfast on the balcony, overlooking the river and the stunning skyline of St Paul's, with the Millenium Bridge to the left, and toward Tower Bridge to the right.
By total and utter coincidence, the Olympic torch was scheduled to run by, so we watched it, from on high, come over the Millenium Bridge, stop off at The Globe and then trot down Bankside. Crowds again, and horrible Coca Cola razmaattazz that thankfully we didn't have in Reading.
We decided to visit Borough Market and have a general potter round the area, which I love. My son and I had a short beach comb by the river, he picked up some clay pipe stems from the shore. Blessed again with lovely weather, you know I love a reflection in a window, and this one, combined with the Olympics banners, summed up the mood and excitement perfectly.

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