Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Blue triangle butterfly

Graphium sarpedon

It seemed like a very slow day, but getting this rare shot of the green striped butterfly early on in the session was comforting. Things were no better back at the lab. Usually my computer is about as fast as molasses, but for some reason, today was like tar in February, taking four hours to do the work that I know should only take twenty minutes. I sooo need a new computer!

This butterfly is not exactly rare, as I see it fairly often. The problem is that it never lands, at least within photographic reach. I suspect it is arboreal and prefers the protection of the higher branches. It is a very exotic looking creature and well impressive when it flies past.

My observations are born out by the little bit of research that I have just done. The blue triangle is aptly named as it does look like a flying triangle. Also known as the common bluebottle.

Today my luck changed and I got my first ever shot at this elusive creature. It landed on the ground about ten feet in front of me. I started clicking straight away and managed to get within five feed before she tired of me. I had to crop down to 1200 pixels, which just left enough for blip. I will nail it one day.

With several decent dragon shots and a few other bits and pieces, it wasn't too bad a session. I have to remind myself of my time in the UK when if I got a choice of two shots I was well happy!


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