Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


Well, I guess you liked the lizard close-up, straight in as my highest rated blip so far! Incidentally, this is the same species as the blip two days previous, believe it or not and the same species as the one I shot by standing on his tail (accidentally). Thank you for all the hearts, stars and wonderful comments :)

The lighting was giving me lots of problems today with clear skies at 08:30. So, rather than fight the light, I decided to have a day of experiment and see what could be done with it using the dragons as my models. One or two of the shots were quite pleasing, but in the end I bottled out and posted a mantis crop and dedicate this to my new friend, Cole. I really like this mantis shot, mainly because of the mouth details.

Thirty shots in my short list and half of them could have been blipped. I am fed up wrestling with folio, so I am going to have a play with Flickr and see if it is any better for me and you. Comments welcome on the arty light shots and anything else.


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