New dos

Had our hair done this arvo. Eva had hers cut into a bob as she refuses to have it tied up and it's got very flyaway and wispy. I asked her if she would rather have it tied up or have it cut short and she replied short which surprised me. She looks unbelievably cute with it in pig tails but they only stay in for 5 mins. She looks very sweet with it in a bob too.

This morning I spent doing housework and wading through the washing. I ended up turning on the heating just so I could get some of it that won't tumble dry sorted. I don't know how we manage to create so much washing - doesn't help with muddy dog walking clothes and towels etc.

At lunchtime we met up with Bryony, kristie, Helen and kids for Bryony's bday lunch. We went to a nice Italian ice cream parlour in Loughborough and had crepes and ice creams and milkshakes and everything bad for us. Eva was naughty and after she had said bye ran right to the door and was nearly out on the street before I caught her. She gave me no time to get my bag or anything together. She had a proper telling off! It amazes me that people will stand by and watch a kid run past them and not do anything to help!! It's not like her to do stuff like that but the kids were all hyped up after their ice cream and jumping around on the seats so that didn't help!

We visited Lime in the rain then collected Tobes from school in time for haircuts. Toby had his second one to one swim lesson. Mike took him whilst my hair was being finished off and said he did really well. Just needs to remember to not bend his knees for back stroke! He really likes his teacher so that helps.

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