Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

First Egg

Much eggcitement this arvo when the kids discovered that Feather or Elsa had laid their first egg. Think it had to be one of them and not Mrs Bennett who has been on strike for some time, as it was a little diddy one. A practice egg. 

Had a showery ride this morning whilst Mike took Tobes to Rugby. Lime seems a bit lethargic this weekend so I might need to give him something extra in his feed although the grass should start to green up again with all this rain. 

We slept in Eva's room last night due to the painting in our room so the kids decided it would be fun to get all of their cuddly toys on the spare bed to have a teddy's bears picnic. What a mess. About 100 of them scattered everywhere! But it is a nice room to wake up in, right at the top of the house. 

After lunch, I painted the window again whilst Mike and the kids made pizza dough. Then Mike did a couple of coats on the ceiling before and after tea and I hoovered and we have finished the painting. Hurrah!! But the house is in chaos. 

Spent an annoying hour writing letters to customers who have not paid their bills. Not a job I enjoy but is necessary. Its started pee-ing down again and dogs still have to go out again once the kids are in bed. Sunday evenings come round way too fast. :0( 

Extra pic of Eva on her banana phone

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