Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Play fighting?

Bailey's mum texted this morning suggesting a cuppa at Summerhall. Good idea! It wasn't raining, so Archie and I walked there. The dogs get SO excited when they see each other we have to keep apologising and explaining to fellow customers that they're actually friends, so manic is the play fighting. This was the only photo with the dogs paused in their silliness and all looking at the camera. NB: No pastries.

The French waitress came to make a fuss of them - she had two schnauzers at home. When we left, Archie and I went first, and we should have gone out on our own, but I signalled for Bailey to come at the same time. BIG Mistake! What a noise they made, yapping and play fighting as we went along the corridor, to horrified looks from passers by. And it didn't stop even when they were outside on the steps! If you didn't know them, you'd be ready to throw a bucket of water on them to stop the dogfight. Silly dogs.

As it wasn't raining, we walked back again. I could have had a big sleep when we got home, but had to go for a check up at the hospital. After blowing into tubes and getting a very good score (therefore nothing wrong with my lungs) the doctor declared that my continued breathlessness may be because I might not be breathing properly and is referring me to a 'breathing physiotherapist'... Whatever next?

Archie loves meeting other dogs, but now and again, he will take an immediate dislike to one, for no apparent reason. JR thinks she has the answer: He doesn't like intact male dogs. He must feel threatened. Or jealous. This could be why he's even dodgy with some puppies. There are a couple of innocent looking dogs in the neighbourhood that he hates - I'm going to find out if they've still got all their bits. Though it does seem a bit rude to ask...

Rain at Queen's tennis, so football is on. That'll do fine while I relax and practise my breathing. Archie has gone up the Hill to meet Bailey again, where they can play fight as much as they like.

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