
By Sparky

sunny? the clouds rush in.

Back to the 'ask, don't answer' scenario from a few weeks ago. Sadly.
I was using whatsapp instant messaging service to contact daughter and ex who were in IOM, and son who is still in Japan, as texts are so expensive.
It was working well I thought.
Ex and daughter return to mainland, he asks me not to use whatsapp anymore. Funny, I think, I wonder why. So I ask.
No reply. Ask again etc.
So I ring to try and sort this out.
The tone of voice is extremely hostile, and when I say 'if you explain your reasons I might understand' I'm told explanations are not necessary.
I think our communication difficulties are often caused this lack if explanation, and I say so.
This is taken as a threat.
It's not a threat. It's a bloody certainty, that we will have more protracted arguaments, about mundane or important issues if explanations are not given when requested.
I wish someone who is close to him would explain that to him. I know you drop in to check up on me. Will you do that? And make our lives easier.
Anyway, gotta go. Olympic opening ceremony about to start.

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