This Evening

Glorious sunshine....big puffy white clouds.....less puffy black clouds....heavy downpour.....bright sunshine....and then this! The weather didn't know what it was doing this evening!

I had spotted a perfect dandelion clock I thought I'd photograph but by the time I'd gone back in to get my macro lens and tripod, it was raining! No matter, I thought - I'll take it after the rain with raindrops on it! So out I trotted after the rain but sadly the dandelion clock was no more..... Ah, well - there'll be another but I doubt whether there will be another sky quite like this one and I'm pretty sure I would have blipped this anyway!

Update: I've now converted it to mono, which I prefer, but the colour version has been up too long for me to swap it, so I've added it as an extra for those of you who are mono fans!

Huge thanks for everything, as always! I'm sorry, I seem to be getting behind with commenting again! I'll see what I can do to catch up....

Hope you've all had a great weekend!


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