
By momcat1

The old A85

We took the A85 ( mostly) from Skye to Oban, and came upon this section of what was part of the old 1 lane road that had been cut off as the new  bridge and section of the highway was built. It was a beautiful stretch of road and I remember crossing a bridge like this over the Avon 28 yrs ago when we were here. Many of the roads we drove in the North of Scotland then were 1 or 1 and a half land roads with pull outs so the car coming in the other direction could go by. Most of them are now 2 lane roads and though it probably was needed for the increase in traffic and people over the last 30 years I have to say I miss the more genteel attitude drivers had then. It's almost like driving in NJ at times with cars tailgating and  passing you flying by, sometimes even on curves. We're always in such a hurry to get places anymore. Sometimes I think that attitude has spread from the US and sometimes I think it is just created by the pressures of modern life. A little side road like this is a little piece of the past I hope we don't lose . It's a reminder to slow down , enjoy the scenery.
The extras are from yesterday . Besides the puffins we also saw dolphins , porpoise, gannets, razorbills, kittiwakes and shags. In order a shag , dolphin and gannett.

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