Waiting for the lights to change
Currently, I have little opportunity for daytime photography during the working week. I leave for work before sunrise, and am often heading home as the sun is rapidly approaching the horizon in the west. Today I had hopes of getting away a bit earlier. There has not been any new admissions for a couple of days, and those already in are (mostly) making the expected progress.
Unfortunately, as I started to pack up I was called back to the ward to talk to a very distressed person about diagnosis. Something we had not handled well. Although it took some time, I was able to sort through the fears and preconceptions and give an explanation that made sense and the reassurance that was needed. Not something that should have been, nor was, hurried.
So when I joined the long lines of cars trying to get to the motorway back into the central city, I took this photo as I waited for the lights to turn green.
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