
After a good going ceilidh dance & session last night, today did a poster drop, smooshed some councellors and then headed home as lots to do befor hitting the road again tomorrow.
Got home and a letter waiting from Northern Constabulary who say they clocked me doing72 miles an hour on Rannoch Moor. Well I happen to know that I was not and I have a witness to prove it but the bloody letter doesnt leave any room to argue! Bastards! I was in a long line of traffic and I know for sure and I also saw the bloody van and camera well in advance! This fecking country is a bloody nanny state!
All sorts of buggering criminals can go about their daily business (often with a nod & a wink from some of our finest) you just have to read the Digger to know that! Theives abbound all over the place, people get mugged, durgged and bugged . And who do our cops target.... the poor motorist so they can whack them with fines all of which I might add go to the Treasurey in fecking London and not a penny comes back here!
Its just yeat another bloody stealth tax.
Go and chase the real hoods, like bankers, politicians, but oh no firstly that would be too much like hard work, secondly it doenst get money back for the bloody stinking crooked politicians who are so busy either screwing eachother or screwing joe public!
And now they will be tripling the ways to fine us to pay for that big numpty carnival of clowns called the Olympics.
Happy blipping all

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