For a day that is ;-)

Wasn't it warm last night, we were still tossing and turning at 3am!!! The children outside woke us up not long after 8 so not a lot of sleep for us......!!

We dragged ourselves up and got going as we were off to Cheshire to visit middle son, DiL, Olivia and Isabella. The M6 wasn't too bad a bit slow in parts but we got there in reasonable time.

When we arrived Olivia, came running over with two cards " Appee Burfday Anma" she said to me, so sweet, melts your heart :-)
She then proceeded to help me open them ;-)

Isabella is walking very steadily now, and she has two teeth!! Before we arrived I said to hub I want a picture with both girls today, did we take one, did we heck!! So here you can see Olivia showing us how she can catch, the glare of the sun wasn't helping her ;-)

We went to a local pub for lunch, it had a large beer garden, so the girls could play around, although Isabella got tired, but she managed to finish her dinner first! She certainly loves her food.....:-)

When we got back, Isabella went for a sleep, me and Olivia played in the sandpit.......I was explaining to her that when she goes to the seaside, the sand there is wet and it will make better sand castles, so she does no more than runs indoors to mummy saying excitedly "I'm going to the seaside!!" I felt so bad when I had to say we were going home and that we would go to the seaside another day :-(

M6 was tedious back home.....lots of watering ow done. Think it's going to be a light cold,chicken salad for dinner this evening.

I've been spoilt for my birthday, hub has bought me a Fitbit, at my request I hasten to add! I have various gift vouchers which I am going to enjoy spending tomorrow in Manchester....hub is taking me out for lunch :-)

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