The future's robin

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Yesterday should really have been 'The future's blackbird', but I didn't know I'd get a fledged robin today & a Little Larry offspring to boot! Incredibly like his dad, again. Took a bit of robin whispering from me to coax him down onto the bench, but he got the idea & came for some worms, just like his dad & I managed this shot of him. I say he's a him because the males are usually more forward then the females.

As for his father, Little Larry:

Not all here!

Wonderfully hot day, but few hazy clouds around, not the brilliant wall to wall sunshine promised, but the heat is certainly there & I love it! Shame it drops 10 degrees tomorrow! xxx

P.S Ironically last years shot is of Little Larry when young...A robin in the making - although a little bit more advanced in red feathers, but this one of Larry's in today's blip is his third brood!

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