Daily Wild

By emyjane

A Robin in the making

Best viewed robin large!

I've had the most glorious hot sun filled day in the company of a very special little bird with the name of 'Lil Larry... & he was not alone this morning, against the blue sky & then in the foliage of the hawthorn tree his DAD put in an appearance, I think he was just making sure everything was ok. He stayed around for 10 minutes or so, then he was gone, safe in the knowledge I was looking after his son... could be daughter too, who knows? Larry Legs had 3 little ones & out of the 3 this one has taken after Dad so much! Every day more red feathers appear on his breast & every day he finds me like his Dad did weeks ago. He sits there still, watching, while I take his photo with my macro lens, it's literally lens to beak... yet he's not stupid, he "pic pic pics" when a cat stalks by & flies to cover when a predator of the skies flies over... I've managed to get some lovely close up shots today, like this one, an intricate detail of the his head feathers... I love him, I love Larry, I love robins...

A friend of mine gave me a link last night all about robins, I've read & researched as much as I can about them, but this link was most helpful. Life for me has been tough, I said on one blip that my mental state hadn't been much cop for a few years now & I particularly loved this quote from the link:

Robin will incite new growth in all areas of your life, areas that have become stagnant and out-dated. You must believe in yourself as you move forward for if you do, barriers will disappear, and confrontations will be for show only. Robin will show you how to do this with joy in your hearts. Their song is a happy one, reminding you to let go of your personal drama and learn to laugh with life.

Whether or not this is believable or not, I know for a fact that Larry Legs was divinely sent, he came to me at a time I felt in the need of some comfort & some love, I wanted life to be beautiful again & Larry showed me the way... call it mad, it sounds mad, but at the time, he picked me up from a very low depth & taught me to smile again to learn to laugh with life & he's given me Lil Larry as a gift...

Thanks for all the hearts, stars & comments from yesterday's blip & SL again too :D xxxx

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