No 376, the Norwegian at Cranbrook Road

I must have blipped this engine in this location before but it looked so magnificent this morning as it made its way up the bank, light engine, 
for Tenterden Town. 376 was on duty with the Wealden Pullman today, taking charge of the Sunday Luncheon train. As usual, being the crossing keeper at Cranbrook Road, a mug of the delicious soup was delivered as the train made its way to Northiam as empty stock to pick up today's diners.

Unfortunately there were only just enough roast potatoes to serve the guests so there were none forthcoming for the hardworking crossing keeper later in the day, but I was rewarded with a muffin from Northiam dropped from last up train of the day much like the postal sacks used to be dropped off from Post Office trains in the past.

It was a glorious day for a change after 6 days of dull cold weather so it was pleasant to spend the day in the fresh air, in and out of the hut, opening and closing the gates, reading, playing the uke, having tea, coffee and nibbles. The 8 hour shift sped by.

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