Hello Mr Rooster

This rooster seems to have moved into the area a while back and could be heard on several occasions before but today is the first time that I have actually seen him when he appeared from under the weeping willow that my balcony looks out on.

Extra photos are a Wood Pigeon enjoying today's sunshine and this evening's sunset.

This morning there was a thick mist but when it eventually lifted, the sun appeared for the first time in days. In the afternoon it gradually clouded over until the sky was entirely grey again and at the end of the afternoon we had some thunder, lightning and rain. It did get somewhat brighter again though and we had quite a nice sunset at the end of the day.

My day off from work has been kept as quiet as possible and I even sat on my balcony for an hour or so this afternoon.

A big thank you for all the comments and stars on my recent blips.

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