Factor 50

Dave was in angry unpredictable zombie mood overnight at the prospect of a whole weekend without a lie in. It's a miracle he got up for the Bootsale really. He almost seemed cheery after a while but no one bought him. Luckily, they did buy some of our other stuff and we cleared a fair bit of no longer needed triviocraties (yep, just made that word up, but it sums things up well) ..until Dave picked up some DVD's with some of our proceeds.

Dave had to have an old man afternoon 40 winks to recover before we headed out to the beach late afternoon for a couple of hours of wave dodging and combing in blimmin' hot, hot, hot weather. Despite slapping on the factor 50...a bit late in the day, granted...we have affa bonnie scarlet foreheads.

We've squeezed so much into the weekend in such hot weather it's almost felt like being on holiday.

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