It’s Raining…It’s Pouring…What’s that funny noise?

Things are looking up and as this is rote…wote…typed, The Bossess landed at Sydney thanks to advanced navigation aids as there was nothing to be seen out the window of our apartment 55 floors up.
It’s been a fun day as we went to “Alice Through The Looking Glass” which increased the take for that theatre by $15.00  exactly as small stuffed dogs were free and there was no one else there. Enjoyed it heaps. The Mad Hatter was completely insane.

We also found that we could visit the supermarket without going outside (almost) and The Boss only got lost underground once.
Tonights image was inspired by the creative delight of “Alice” and was shot from our apartment 55 floors up with the scene framed by a very wet glass panel on the balcony. 
For the Tech folk ISO 10,000 and manual focus on a tripod and the extras show the scene outside.
This has been a bad storm and thousands have lost power with falling trees. It was a Dangerous wind indeed.

Well better go and prepare for Bossess welcoming. 


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