Good to the last drop

by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Artist, fashion! talk not long!
Be a breath thine only song!


WHEN Minerva, to give pleasure
To Prometheus, her well-loved one,
Brought a brimming bowl of nectar
From the glorious realms of heaven
As a blessing for his creatures,
And to pour into their bosoms
Impulses for arts ennobling,
She with rapid footstep hasten'd,
Fearing Jupiter might see her,
And the golden goblet trembled,
And there fell a few drops from it
On the verdant plain beneath her.
Then the busy bees flew thither
Straightway, eagerly to drink them,
And the butterfly came quickly
That he, too, might find a drop there;
Even the misshapen spider
Thither crawl'd and suck'd with vigour.

To a happy end they tasted,
They, and other gentle insects!
For with mortals now divide they
Art?that noblest gift of all.


Humidity and dark clouds, C's staying another day at the hospital and I'm favoring a sore arm from the vaccine at my physical. Last night I felt under the weather and snoozed on the couch after dinner. Headachy with good sized red swollen bump on my arm today, but feeling more myself. After my pneumonia shot several years ago I was really ill and had a marble sized lump under the skin for at least a year.

Very special old camp friends are coming over today for lunch. We first worked together 43 years ago and this bunch really changed my life. They were and are artists, relaxed and just so different from my high school and college friends. I found myself with them and two others, now gone, there at that beautiful, rustic camp. The kids loved us and we played more than we worked, but it was all good. We hoped to go over to the camp and run around our old haunts today, but it looks like heavy rain and thunder boomers ahead. We'll make the best of it and feel 43 years younger all day!

For the record,
This day came in dark, humid with rain on the way.

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