A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


My standard fallback, I can't believe I have got to the end of the day and not taken a picture and I am way too tired to go and find anything else, blip.

I didn't sleep too well and have consequently spent most of the day not quite with it. Possibly not helped by the leap out of bed to put out the recycling as I heard the lorry approaching...it's not the only reason I miss Carlos when he's away...

It took me until about 6pm to remember that the reason I hadn't slept well and was feeling a bit stiff was that Anna had hurled into me mid cartwheel in the garden yesterday karate chopping me in the neck with her foot. A lovely soak in the bath turned out to be just the thing I had been needing all day.

Anna spent most of the day at a rehearsal for her upcoming musical theatre show. And J had an okay day, a little dip around lunch and early afternoon but some good parts including watching the first half of the England game where he kept us entertained with such wise insights as that you should measure an England manager's tenure by their disappointments. So you wouldn't say Hodgson had been the manager for 4 years; but instead, for 3 disappointments. Or simply, he's been manager for 3 for short.

Now for some sleep as I need to be up and about early tomorrow. And I'll aim for a better photo.

Lesley x

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