A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Look into my eyes

It's so late it is actually tomorrow so I hope this gets posted on the right day. Busy, lovely day...some house DIY, including a new swing chair for the garden that was thankfully assembled by our house guest. A couple of dog walks, a small amount of work that was boringly accounts and joyously accepting some new projects that are renewals with lovely clients I have worked with previously so make me happy on many levels. A game of Guess Who with Anna and even graciously helping her out with her design some bunting for the school tea party to celebrate the Queen's 90th birthday homework. Pie for dinner and another viewing of the very excellent The Big Short. I don't think I will ever tire of it.

Only blots on our landscape were J struggling a little this afternoon and Carlos heading to sunny Morocco for three days.

But many more ups,

Lesley x

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