A great day out

We've had a fab time today meeting up with our friends at Waddesdon Manor. It was cold and drizzly but that didn't stop us! The children had a blast in the woodland playgrounds. The zip wire was a hit as well as the swings and see saws. We enjoyed walking around the gardens, seeing the birds in the aviaries and took shelter from the rain to have our picnic. The children enjoyed each other's company with A following C everywhere and getting into mischief together and P befriending little R, enjoying games of peekaboo. It was great to have time for a proper catch up. Warm drinks were a must before the long drive back home.

I feel so privileged to have such great friends that would travel so far to see us and enjoying keeping in touch just as much as we do. Difficult circumstances dragged us away from Newbury over two years ago but it's good to know that great friendships weren't lost. Thanks H X

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