The faces of our NHS

two hospital appointments today;

the first was at the Churchill in Oxford for my 6 monthly review at the Haemophilia Centre. The chap (pictured) was my examiner Dr Andrew M a fine young chap who is doing his 6 months training in all things Haematology . Claire (top right) was my H related Physio who after an examination weighs up everything to ascertain if there are any exercises or treatments that can help me in my current state of fitness. I have blipped her before here:

From the Churchill I travelled over to the Nuffield Orthopaedic where I had my hip replaced back in October 2015. Here I was visiting the Physiotherapy Department to wind up the end of a 15 year study on my other hip which was replaced when I was 43. The "girl" (bottom right) whose name escapes me asked me lots of questions - took various measurements then took me for an XRay after that I was free to go. Carol of course came with me & after all the tests were complete at both hospitals we ventured down to The Victoria Arms at Old Marston for lunch which was most enjoyable. Normally in June you would expect to sit outdoors & soak up the view of the river but today it was raining

An easy drive home & then a little nod on the sofa.

Will catch up with you all later on..


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