Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Ant party?

Why do the ants find the centres if this clematis so much? Fascinating ....

Busy bee myself today, needed to do some work which took a bit longer than planed. Then house tidy in earnest ready for visitors to come and stay tomorrow, for 3 days.

As brother-in-law and his wife were back from holiday today, so they went to visit pa-in-law giving us a night off. He is not happy, as he is in hospital for another 3 or 4 days .......... but he has moved ward and they are "monitoring" him (he is still very short of breath on any exertion).

My mums birthday tomorrow - 81 years young. It is such a shame that she is not able to celebrate it, acknowledge it or know what a present is. We stopped doing cards a few years ago as she didn't know what they are for, she would end up just giving it back to you. Although she's still "mum", mum went years ago and it's just a shell that resembles her ...... still love her lots and give her a weekly hug and kisses, she responds with a lip pucker followed by a laugh :)


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