Good things come to those that wait

This morning, a little girl was delighted to tell us she had done no wees in her pull ups. She's been dry for almost two years but we hadn't yet mastered nights. Usually just one wee in her pull up each night.
We haven't pushed the point of getting dry at night, knowing she would do it when ready.
She's known one night meant treats, five nights in a row is a trip to the seaside.

Her treat was pony riding - bouncy castle - Icecream - pony riding and she never stopped grinning. Felt she was slightly cheated as Wom did the same apart from the bouncy castle. But she didn't grumble once.

Was so proud of Wom, we asked him if he wanted to ride a pony and he said yes! Do he dud, twice!

Rest of the day has been spent in the garden playing. Charlottes had great fun playing with the nerf guns.

It's not felt like a Monday at all today!

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