
By mydayblipped

A Day of Nothing

Today's been one of those days where I've not done much of anything, were I've been really bored but can't be bothered doing anything either.
This morning we saw the sun..maybe for only an hour or so. I sat out the back with my mug of tea and read my book for a while.
Then I had 40 winks this afternoon.

Went to the post office this evening with my hubby to pick up a parcel and should've taken my camera cause would've got some city view shots...but hey I guess it's a case of 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' :D :D

My son went out to play with a friend. My daughter had a pyjama day and did not much of anything.

This photo seems fitting for of my great-aunts passed away yesterday afternoon at the grand old age of 91. I'm sad but not upset (I hadn't seen her for years and years).
My mum phoned today having had a bit of a faff trying to order a wreath from us for the I guess my dying lillies is an apt representation for today.

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