Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


A lot of water has flown under your bridge' - Roger McGough.

I remember your hands
White and strangely cold
As if exposed too often to the moon.

I remember your eyes
Brown and strangely old
As if exposed too often and too soon.

I remember your body
Young and strangely bold
As if exposed too often.

I remember
I remember how
When you laughed
Hotdogmen all over town
Burst into song.

I remember
I remember how
When you cried
The clouds cried too and the
Streets became awash with tears.

I remember
I remember how
When we lay together for the first time
The room smiled
Said: 'excuse me'
And tiptoed away.

But time has passed since then
And a lot of people
Have crossed over the bridge
(A faceless throng)
But time has passed since then
And a lot of young men
Have swum in the water
(Naked and strong).

But time has passed since then
And a lot of water
Has flown

Some days you wake up with a line or two running through your head, a long forgoten quote, a song or a poem, todays one of those times so I went serching for a blip to complament my thoughts, hope I've done it at least a smidgeon of justice.

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