Unexpected day off today. We'd planned to meet up with Bry, Lyra and Elodie for lunch but Bryony text to say Lyra had been sick. Was going to meet Helen and Herbie at the farm park but I had lots of admin to catch up on and laundry to sort so by the time we were ready to leave it was 11am. Eva decided she would rather have a picnic so we went to the stables and sat in the little paddock next to Limes field and had one! Lime watched us the whole time and ate my apple!!

Then we went to Helens to meet their new puppy Bruno. Emily and Felicity also came. Was really nice to see them as not seen them in ages.

After school pick up we headed over to the garage to collect the work van. At the MOT last week the mechanic picked up a ticking sound on Doglegs 12 from the engine which he suspected was the timing chain slipping. Apparently if that goes it could mean a new engine so very glad he picked up on it and we were able to get it sorted. After having to have a new clutch on Doglegs 10 last weekend, it's been an expensive week.

We went to to the allotment for an hour to clear the weeds from round the fruit bushes. Martha and Henry joined us. Lots of comfrey up there which needed digging out. Lots of nettles. Lots of stings! Toby loves being up there so much. He said at bedtime " I can't wait to go up to the allotment again tomorrow ".

We ate dinner on the patio and managed to down a whole bottle and a bit of wine before 8pm. Oops. Mike walked the pups whilst I put the kids to bed and sorted 3 baskets of washing out. Then we started painting our bedroom at 10pm. As we don't have space to move the furniture out we have to move it round and do one wall at a time. So it's going to take weeks to finish!!

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