Come into the Garden

By aprecious

You're fooled aren't you, eh? You feel bad (really, really bad) and you don't live here so imagine how bad aprecious is feeling right this minute! Yes. These puppy dog eyes. Don't you worry, I am squeezing out every ounce of guilt... Oh yes. I am really ramping it up so that she worries about me and starts to think that giving up work is the only solution. So she starts to think that life is only worth living if she is at home with me ALL the time. I am putting this thought in her head. Transmitting it through the airwaves with my very, very good acting.

I might start limping soon. Or feigning a belly ache? Or yipping. In a pained sort of way. I could lie on my back with my paws in the air but that might be a bit OTT?

The art of coarse acting is not dead.

From 'The Art Of Coarse Acting' - "One who can remember his lines, but not the order in which they come. An amateur. One who performs in Church Halls. Often the scenery will fall down. Sometimes the Church Hall may fall down. Invariably his tights will fall down. He will usually be playing three parts - Messenger, 2nd Clown, an Attendant Lord. His aim is to upstage the rest of the cast. His hope is to be dead by Act II so that he can spend the rest of his time in the bar. His problems? Everyone else connected with the production."

Michael Green.

Up at 6:00am. Dog walk. Planned to start my swimming regime today. Got to the pool at 7.30am. It's being refinished and is shut for all of the summer hols! What kind of leisure trust closes its pool in the summer? One that values its school contracts more highly than the summer customers? Or am I being cynical?
Also I am working, obviously. I still haven't checked my 700 emails. Or read them. But I had a good couple of meetings yesterday, and some other good ones planned today. :)

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