Five things

By fivethings

Looking up.

1. Sunny. Well sunnyish start to the day. I choose wisely and leave the pale yellow suede shoes for another day.

2. A meeting I've been dreading slightly comes to pass. All fine in the end.
I return a little fired up and get lots done.

3. This city gets me down today. It often does but it hits a wee spike today. I can't say why. I need a holiday and take two days off next week. Strike while the iron is crabbitt I always say.

4. Another day another supermarket. Can't say this car is bringing me much in the way if freedom. Unless supermarkets make you free. Discuss.

5. You can tell I am pretty uninspired today - as I often am on Tuesdays - as no photo had come to mind I decided to look up. This is what you see when you look up in my hall.

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