Tristan's Garden

Tristan, who is about eight, lives across the street from Dana and her family. He idolizes Will and Peter and has been ringing their doorbell to see if they could shoot hoops in the driveway with him for years. If they ask him to come back later, he asks when and is ringing the doorbell again at exactly the time they tell him.

Today he was having a succulent sale in his driveway, and as as a treat for buying a couple of plants from him, he took us in back to show us the playhouse and 'gnome garden' his father made for him. His father is a firefighter on disability with a back injury, a wonderful gardener and inventive builder. Check out the picture in large for more details. The houses have little solar panel doormats and light up at night.

I'd say Tristan is a very lucky boy and his father is missing his firefighting job….his skills as birdhouse, chicken coop and rabbit hutch maker, made to the same level of detail, are in great demand amongst his friends.

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