Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Lazy Sunday

As is often the case, whenever I feature one of my dogs on my journal, like Zoey yesterday,  I always feel compelled to have the other as my subject on the next day. Maybe it's because I don't want to feel like I'm playing favourites....

Today's blip is of Jack, snoring away on his bed after a run down the driveway and back with Mrs H, who was driving down to put the bins out before collection tomorrow. One of the great things about having a long, steep driveway is that it offers a good opportunity for Jack to run down alongside the car. As you can imagine after running uphill after a car at 25kmh, he has a bit of an opportunity to burn off some of his collie energy.

Like Jack here, I'm crashed out too. My pain levels have been spiking and I'm not feeling too flash today, All the meds  are starting to mess with my stomach a little, and for much of today I've been feeling nauseous. I think once I'm finished here I'll have a snooze and see if that sorts me out.

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