twinned with trumpton


A busy morning in the hoose; wielding a hoover, a mop, a dish cloth, some polish and lots of bleachy kinda things.

And to school for the boys; we snaffled some rhubarb and then had lunch before getting the bikes out.

We went to the road at the end of the world (there's a bit of road on the west side of Granton harbour that has roads in preparation for house building - the roads have been there for years and is perfect for little boys to practice riding their bike)
Sunny and almost warm, we messed about for a couple of hours doing nothing in particular (Tom's best lap was 57 seconds; Alex about 4 minutes)

Then about 4 we headed home, grabbed a portable bbq and some sausages and headed to the Meadows for an impromptu  al fresco dinner experience. She came out to play too.

In spite of the poor forecast, we had 3 good hours of kicking football, blowing bubbles, chatting, hanging out.

Tired boys went to bed slightly later than usual. (Still I had time to take her and a Quartemile shot)

The day's photos are here

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