The final countdown

The final countdown has begun and it's been a busy day.  

I was off to the pet store first thing this morning to get a few things needed for the cats and then home to drop the items off before going back into town to get my hair cut.  On the way to get my hair cut I saw these guys on the side of the road extremely close to the fast moving traffic.  I stopped to take their photo and to encourage them to move away from the road.

Got my hair cut real short as it will be 3 months before the next one!  Once home, it was time to annoy the cats.  I thoroughly checked them over, groomed them and gave them each one of those expensive flea/tick collars that last 8 months.  I normally do the monthly topical but can't expect Kent to do that and know Neenah won't tolerate him doing it!

Now I have showered and changed to get all the cat hair off me and I'm ready to head to Kinston as we are having our monthly dinner with Kent's siblings and their spouses.

Aww, it's Friday can I take a deep breath?!  Happy weekend everyone.

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