Handsome in the Headstones

I saw 2 different sand-hill crane couples at the national cemetery today. The first couple were strolling among the headstones, not liking me there, but tolerating me. The male (?) decided to stop and preen in front of these two stones.

The second couple got me into a little trouble. I spotted them in a field next to a forest, parked my truck, and took a wide arcing path to shoot them. What I didn't know, is that they had two little baby cranes trailing them. I got mildly excited, but the babies were so tiny, that I knew I couldn't get close enough. That's when I heard the honk behind me, so I turned. It was a cemetery worker in a truck.

"You do know that they will attack you, don't you?"

"Yes sir, I do."

"Do you also know that we can get you for harassment...because they have babies?"

WHAT? What was that last remark? I decided I wasn't going to win the argument, so I said..."OK sir, I'm backing away...in fact, I'm leaving."

It was a-l-m-o-s-t the 2nd place this Spring that I have been asked to leave (the farm store was the first.)

https://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/albums/72157668251519882 I didn't get a great shot, but check out the babies on my Flickr page. Like my daughter says...so stinkin cute.

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