Fantastic, fabulous, amazing, gobsmacking

There are not enough superlatives to describe what we saw on our tour today!!!

We had a bit of rockin and rollin late last night, the boat that is, not us ;-)

After a lighter dinner we all called it a day quite early as we were shattered!

Pleased to report a good nights sleep for us, not quite so for Sis and BiL, but we were sufficiently refreshed, fed and watered as we arrived in Stavanger, Norway's fourth largest city.

We were ashore by 9am for today's trip. A motorboat took us from the dock to some tropical gardens, known as Flor & Fjaere. They are situated on an island, 7km off shore, in the middle of the Norwegian Sea. Apparently it has its own micro climate, enabling the family that owns the island, and who built the gardens, to grow all kinds of exotic species even in the cold Norwegian temperatures. As you can see from the blip, the landscaping, trees and planting is just breathtaking......I promise you, there has been no enhancing of colours or brightness, this is straight out of the camera!!

If ever you find yourselves in Norway, you MUST visit them, they are just magnificent! Probably the best gardens I've ever visited :-)
I wish I could load some extra shots to,share, but can't as I upload via my iPad :-(

Once we returned via motorboat to the mainland we had a wander around the port and into the older part of Stavanger, amongst the traditional white wooden houses, just so pretty!

We treated ourselves to a Norwegian lunch platter and beer (£8.10 for 0.4 litre!!) but good beer ;-). As this was our last port of call, it is the traditional "Sail Away" on board party, lots of Union Jack waving, singing and keep everyone entertained, including those spectators on other boats and ashore ;-)

Tonight is our last black tie dinner, so another posh frock......full day at sea tomorrow, sees us back home Monday morning.....where did that week go??!!!!!

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