And Find I'm King of the Hill.....
NYC, you nearly killed us!
After 30,000 plus steps yesterday, we woke gently, and tested the soles of our feet, before venturing out. We quickly headed for the town via the Number from from Utica Avenue, to Grand Central.
We decided to start gently and ate in the downstairs dining area in Grand Central, enjoying the to'ing and fro'ing of the people, locals and tourists, and weird people.
If a weekend in NYC has taught me one thing, its "Do Not talk back to the Strangers on the train". I was caught out on Saturday evening, and quickly the conversation dissolved from "Hey Ma'am you aint from round here..." to ... no I'm not even going to tell you what he said to me... but it was not the conversation you want to be having on a train when you are the minority. We actually banged into the same flipping lunatic on Sunday - in a city of millions of people, we have been struck by how often we spotted the same people. It's a terribly small world.
After Central, we headed straight to the Empire State, hoping that the queues wouldn't be too long, and the lunatics would be missing. We were in luck. Straight up the first escalator, straight through security, quickly up the first batch of elevators, and then a little wait for the next one.
Once we were at 86,, it was the best sort of day to be up there. Sunshiny, and breezy ... People weren't wanting to hang around long- but we are from the north of United Kingdom where our summers are colder than the weather was on this "chilly day", so we were find, and browsed around, examining the MASSIVE walk we did yesterday... I looked down to my feet, and whispered "I'm sorry.... forgive me".
Another lift, a much smaller one this time, up to 102... and we were able to stand in the heat and gaze down on all the tiny little yellow cars, and beautiful rooftop gardens, and yet, still my eyes were drawn to the West Edge from the Freedom Tower, down to the Chelsea Market, along the High Line and up to Central Park.... What was I thinking!!
After a slight delay... there was some problem with a backlog of people in the shop... we got the three lifts back down again, and stumbled out into the warm streets of New York and were accosted by men of many races demanding that we board their bus for the best rates for the best customers they had met that day. Yes. Of course. No we didn't.
We decided to walk downtown towards some eateries and have some nice lunch in Barbounia - a European, chilled restaurant which offered a lovely menu and beautiful surrounds. The three of us opted for the same starters and main - Calamaris and then burgers... and then three separate sweets - Himself had Gelato - Pistascio, Boy had Rose Pannacotta, with Pistascio.. and I had Silan - Date molassas, tahini mouse, shredded halva, and spiced milk ice cream. I won.
Then we decided to head back, we were all yawning, my feet were crying, Himself was still coughing... we were exhausted.
We boarded the underground, and after five stops, and an influx of a different ethnic race, than we were used to seeing (White / Jewish / African Caribbean) the train was suddenly full of Chinese, we realised we were on the wrong line.
A quick jump off the train, and onto another and we were on the old familiar route back to Utica Avenue. What a difference walking up the Avenue later afternoon - hundreds of street sellers, loads of people wandering about, music blaring, hundreds of voices, sirens blaring...
And then we were letting ourselves in again to the peace and quiet of the apartment. We all collapsed in difference places around the flat, seeking immediate relief from exhaustion.
And then it was time for Boy to head... no tears this time... we're seeing him again on Thursday.... After we've driven to Washington, and explored it's streets.
We need some bum clenching to ensure that we have enough strength for Washington...
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