
By briocarioca

Cat and Mouse

Woke this morning to a restless hungry wind that don't mean no one no good (to paraphrase Bob Dylan) – hot and violent. It must have caused some damage in Rio, but has left death and destruction in its wake further south.
HH has been hard at work preparing for a visit from his Texan client, who came round this morning with the manager from up north. Our Texan friend is Republican to the roots of his hair and we always wind each other up with our opposing views. He reckons Trump will actually be the next President of the US (not that he was his first choice of candidate) and that he’s the only one who’s waging a modern campaign. I fear he may be right.
Once they had all gone downtown, I got down to some work and have been mired in the complexities of impairment ever since. Such fun. But an old friend has sent me the manuscript of his novel to read, so now, with supper behind us and HH heading for an uncommonly early bed, I think I’ll take a first look at that.
Once again, the best I can offer is an emergency blip of my feline helper.

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