Over Yonder

By Stoffel

More Bluebells By The Bus Stop

My Dear Fellow,

This is a picture taken from the exact same point as my previous bluebells by the bus stop picture. And they've gone NUTS. Incidentally, I nearly missed the bus taking this.

Today was a pain. I was hoping for a quiet one but instead got lots of stupid, stupid questions. It annoys me that work people think I come into work to do stupid work things. Don't they know I'm there to drink tea and listen to podcasts?

Still, I made the most of my lunchtime today by going to the supermarket to get the biscuits Jasper loves. This rebounded on me when I got home and promptly got shouted at because he'd been raking through the bag and was most annoyed because they were still in the packet and not in his bowl yet.

Still, I much prefer my job as Cat Servant to that of Business Analyst. Why no-one can pay me to do the former is a source of constant irritation to me. I'd be bloody amazing at it.

El Parsones

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