Prentice "Jay" Tyndall

The weather couldn't have been better yesterday as 5-600 people attended the funeral service for Kent's nephew Jay.  The fire truck carried him from the church to his final resting place in the family cemetery behind his parents' home.  

The bell rang out code 5-5-5, three times and a piper played Amazing Grace.  It was eerie to listen to the Lenoir County Emergency Center come over the radio and ask for silence, static and then "Last call for Jay Tyndall".

As we stood at the gravesite you could hear Jay's dad's animals (goats, chickens etc . . .) quietly going about their business.  We were dive bombed by a hummingbird! (Awesome) And numerous monarch butterflies flew around and landed amongst the mourners.

A funeral is never a good day but the day could not have been better to us.

This is the bit that was on the local TV news.

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