Wet, Wet, Wet

I didn't watch a single second of tonight's ESC but instead zapped through the channels and found a Christmas film or rather an episode of a series which I probably saw a few years after it originally came out in 1961. It was a MUST TV evening for my father and me, when Trinidad & Tobago Television (TTT) broadcast Hoss, Little Joe and Hop Sing. But we only had B&W TV back then, so good to re-see it in colour. The episode was about the young blind Gabrielle whose parents were killed on the journey to visit her grandpa who lived near the Ponderosa Ranch.

For those interested in trivia, Sir Trevor MacDonald was born in Trinidad and worked for TTT as a presenter in the 60s before getting a job with the BBC in the UK.

Today it rained and was miserably cold. By evening even lit the fire which at least matched Bonanza's Christmas special. There are even flood warnings out. Did silly indoor jobs like defrosting freezers and discovering the Millennium edition of McCain's oven chips and other such delights.

In the evening when putting the geese to bed, took a quick shot of the pond which I featured - empty - a month ago. Far too many goldfish but from the original 10, there must have been some opposite sexes in the batch. The water lilies are now just getting the first leaves to the surface after the drastic cutting back.

Getting a bit excited at the possibility of goslings but it may be best if they don't arrive before Wednesday when it is due to get warmer.

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