
By clairep

What a lovely day.

Unfortunately no sitting in a beer garden for us as I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and paint the stone around the downstairs window. Its going to need another coat of paint or two but it's looking loads better. I'm not sure how we are going to do the three upstairs windows though as I am not going any higher than I did today - I hate ladders! I have also been to the laundrette to wash all the dirty clothes we had left at the house - my first time ever in a laundrette and I was pleasantly supprised.
Stu has rebuilt the chimney in the lounge and removed some old door frames. I was very excited to discover an ice cream van comes down our road. Obviously we had to have one, as if you don't they might stop coming!
Had a lovely evening too as my uncle Bob and Auntie Julie are visiting from Norwich so we had a lovely curry for dinner, with plenty of laughs (and lies/Price exaggerations).

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