Summer Splash
2years 276days
SUMMER IS BACK!! And we had a wonderful day marking the occasion. We spent the day with good friends from our old village and all went to one of our favourite big parks in the city. It's a free facility run by the council. It has a wonderful water play, small animal farm, huge parks.
We started off at the waterplay. The children ran around like loons for quite a while. Katie was funny, she wore her swimmers and had a good time, but insisted on coming and getting dressed fairly soon. After a picnic, she got fully dressed and then had an absolute ball in the water for ages! Funny thing.
we walked to see the animals, a lot of whom seemed to not be there, compared to last time but she enjoyed talking to the birds. The goats and the peacocks were her favourites, she said to me. The children all spent a while climbing a fallen tree branch and snacking as they rested in the shade. Katie told me she was tired soon after, and she fell asleep in my arms.
We went over to the big play park and found a nice area in the shade. Katie slept for a good while before I woke her up. She then went with a couple of her friends and I to go to a little trampoline in the ground that they played on really nicely for ages, each taking a very fair turn then waiting really patiently til it was their next turn - to my admitted surprise!
She is now one rather tired out little lady!
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