Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Super Girls

The girls checking out the view after pushing the hoggs out their hill. They are not being fed now but have a habit of sitting around in one area overgrazing it. I am teaching them to heft to this hill. Breagh and Shaw let Pip do most of the work which is perfect! I love these girls my wee stars!!

Then it was onto the dreaded changeovers. They were quite clean the cottages but it seemed to take forever to make the 18 beds today! Managed to get the grass cut too in cottage gardens as well as our own. Husband conveniently thought he should get on with the training field fence so managed to dodge all the cottage stuff. Hes got quite far with it now which is good. After cleaning the cottages i came home to a very messy house so cleaned it too. Hip and back complaining now so heading for a bath.

11c 15mph NW sunshine all day but cold in the wind. Have even lit the stove this evening to take off the chill.

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