
This afternoon I decided to look round the garden looking for inspiration for a blip. I saw this hoverfly on the wisteria and then it went right inside a flower and looked just like it was having a little rest!
I have more spare time this weekend than anticipated, since the two French guests (choir members from Le Harvre) we were expecting at 5pm yesterday have not come - they booked into a Hotel we were told.........
 We were only informed at 3pm after I had prepared all the food and blitzed the whole house and garden (the garden took most of last week to do) so I have to say I was NOT amused!! However, the bass singer did arrive in the evening as planned and he is lovely. Only in his 20's and a perfect house guest. He and my husband have gone off for the final rehearsal and will be home for an early dinner before the concert. I am helping with refreshments in the interval so wonder whether I will meet the guests who didn't come?

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