A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Ancient Fist Bump

I think it was very much what The British Museum had in mind when they chose this position for display.

I seem to have an evening cold so my brain is a little fuzzy right now. At least though it stayed suppressed for the important part of the day so I could go and be a responsible adult helper on Anna's school trip. Their current topic is the Ancient Egyptians and so that is where we spent our time. And in a workshop where I learned a new word...Canopic as in Canopic Jars which house the extracted internal organs of the wealthy dead. So not that useful a word but good to say.

The kids were fab and it was all quite fun.

A restorative ice-cream on the way home seemed to give me the oomph to come home and get some bonus work done so I'm feeling a little ahead of myself for tomorrow which is a rare but very welcome feeling.

Fist bump!

Lesley x

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