
I promised myself that I wouldn't take another picture of a dog walk. And then actually a beautifully dappled woodland scene appeared before me and I took a picture. But then our beautiful dinner scene appeared and I went with that instead. This was before the seagull appeared on the office and we spent 10 minutes trying to point it out to Rosie. Unsuccessfully. Stupid dog, she barks at nothing and then ignores actual intruders.

In an about turn,next Friday is once again my own to peacefully sit in my office for. And totally not my idea. Just the bloody football thing to wriggle out if now (no chance).

And today I took receipt of a pair of high heeled sandals. I reckon I might actually be able to wear them for an hour or two. Having resigned myself to a life of flat shoes only, this is ever such exciting news. Although entirely based on my guesswork so may yet be a disappointment.

Enough ramblings, enjoy your evening.

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